Get Involved!

  • Volunteer

    Volunteer at our Golf Scramble event and Cornhole 4 A Cause!

    Click on the event you want to volunteer at and fill out the form so we can assign you to a spot to help out!

  • Community Education

    Speak at a variety of events to help spread awareness!

    The Epilepsy Foundation now offers on-demand Seizure First Aid Training! Get certified and educate those around you, as well as encourage them to earn their certificate!

  • Host an Event

    Each day we are looking for additional ways to reach more in the community. Please contact us if you would be interested in hosting an event.

  • Donate!

    Donating to our foundation with help spread awareness even if you are unable to volunteer in person.

    We know not everyone has the funds to donate, so we are excited to share that the Charity Miles app provides donations to the Epilepsy Foundation- all through the steps your phone tracks on walks, runs, biking adventures, etc.!

  • Become a Sponsor Today!

    Fill out our sponsorship form to become one of our sponsors! We have levels of sponsorship and show our appreciation for each and every sponsor.